409 Lake Road,Takapuna, Auckland

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy for public speaking anxiety

For many people public speaking is ranked their number one fear, closely followed by death. Standing in front of a group of peers, or strangers can be a daunting task. While hypnosis itself won't make you a brilliant speaker, it can remove the nervousness and anxiety felt before speaking allowing you to speak freely and with confidence.

Our clients for public speaking range from young adults, college and university students, to career orientated individuals wanting to speak their minds in corporate lectures or meetings. Often the motivation to use hypnosis is because of a change of career, frustration at being unable to express ideas freely, or annoyed at feeling a sense of anxiety in front of people, when logical they know there is no need to. Hypnotherapy for public speaking can be a way to fast track yourself to talking with confidence. To make a booking or if you any further questions, contact us today.

The number of hypnosis sessions for clients to gain the level of calm and relaxation wanted for public speaking varies between clients. Usually our clients plan on two or three hypnosis sessions spaced a week apart. It's a good idea to try and organise the sessions around up coming speeches to get a good idea of how well hypnosis is working for you.

Case study 1:

Mike had never felt much anxiety in his life however recently he has been promoted at work and has to lead team meetings. He is experiencing high levels of anxiety in regards to his new role. After his first session Mike recalls an incident where he got fired at a previous role, and the anxiety caused from that is still undermining his confidence. Using hypnosis this is quickly resolved. And after the second session Mike is confidently leading his team.

Case study 2:

Susan has always been renown as quiet since she was a child. Her personality tends to shy her away from speaking engagements. She has been looking at a new role, part of which requires making presentations to her business manager. After three hypnosis sessions Susan just feels more relaxed. She finds herself holding her opinion up as high as anyone else's and with a knew sense of self belief applies for the new role

If it is time for you to speak your mind, entertain an audience, or convey yourself with authority in a meeting, while remaining calm and collect, then perhaps it is time for you to use hypnosis.

Public Speaking Testimonials

I had hypnosis with Stefan to help me with my fear of public speaking. I had three sessions within a week as I had been booked for a major speaking engagement the same week! It worked so well, remarkable! Definitely recommend.

N.T, Auckland

Disclaimer: While hypnosis is a safe and well-tested method, and we have had thousands of satisfied customers, there is no guarantee of specific results. Results will vary from case to case. We do not diagnose or claim to cure any disease. This is a professional service by a qualified hypnotherapist, within a health clinic environment.

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