409 Lake Road,Takapuna, Auckland


Although hypnosis is yet to be embraced by the medical establishment in New Zealand, University Medical Centres across Europe and America are at the cutting edge of researching hypnosis in the use with burn victims, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Pain Management, Insomnia and many other issues.

The use of hypnosis with habits such as nail biting or hair pulling is usually planned over two or three sessions, where issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome are planned over one to two months. However with the aid of hypnosis CD's the cost can be reduced for clients.

If you have any further questions either select the link opposite, or you can contact us today.

Disclaimer: While hypnosis is a safe and well-tested method, and we have had thousands of satisfied customers, there is no guarantee of specific results. Results will vary from case to case. We do not diagnose or claim to cure any disease. This is a professional service by a qualified hypnotherapist, within a health clinic environment.

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