409 Lake Road,Takapuna, Auckland

Certified Hypnosis Programs

The Drink Less Training Program
alcohol abuse

This three-session program is designed to help you become aware of the circumstances surrounding your drinking habit. Easy-to-follow plan to effectively reduce drinking cravings and habits with the clients, creating the foundation work for what is the right level of alcohol to cut down to without depriving themselves. Having this creates the success for them in this program.

The Ultimate Sugar Cravings Program

This three-session program is designed to:

  • Help make you aware of how you choose foods unconsciously
  • Help you to apply strategies to deal with those sugar cravings
  • Help you feel better as your body transforms with the reduced sugar intake.

Hypnosis Meets Nutrition Program

This four session program is designed to:

  • Help make you aware of the foods you choose unconsciously.
  • Switch off the compulsion to eat nutritionally poor foods.
  • Motivate you to naturally desire healthier food choices, so you experience more sustainable energy through out your day.

We will often refer you to one of our nutritional specialists for a personalised program with specific food recommendations for your optimal wellbeing.

Hypnosis for weight loss. Bring dieting to an end. Create a lifestyle of health that just feels natural

Have you tried all the diets but nothing seems to work?

Your own mind battling against the foods you should avoid and the portions that should be smaller, but it always seems too hard. With hypnosis for weight loss it's about getting back in control. We help you create a healthy practical plan that you will find easy.

With hypnosis for weight loss we want to help train your mind to:

  • Limit favourite foods and drinks and not feel deprived
  • Say no to second servings, snacking and urges to eat and still feel satisfied
  • Put aside past dieting failures, and move forward with confidence

You think your weight problem is the same as your friends? Think again.

While the goal for most people to lose weight is the same, the problem that has had you stuck there is always unique to you. The binge eater has different problems to be solved than the constant grazer. An emotional eater is different again to a sensory eater. A woman hitting menopause is in a different position than the 25 year old single male, and losing those last 2kgs is different again from having to lose the first 30kg.

At Lifestyle Hypnosis, we understand circumstances for each client are different, backgrounds, current living environments, past histories and future challenges. So before your hypnosis session begins, we put aside a 15 minute free consultation to outline your unique challenges and only then do we start to use hypnosis to help you make the changes you desire.

Free 15 Minute Consultation

With No Obligation to continue.

1. Make sure hypnosis is the right choice for you.

2. Get relaxed and comfortable with the process of hypnosis before you start.

3. Get a solid understanding of how hypnosis can help you.

4. Understanding your issues.

If after the 15 minutes you don't feel hypnosis is the right choice for you, no payment, and no further obligation is required.

Common problem areas we work with using hypnosis for weight loss

  • Stop Emotional Eating, Cravings and Binge Eating
  • Motivation To Exercise
  • Build Confidence, Self Belief And Self Esteem

We will often refer you to one of our nutritional specialists for a personalised program with specific food recommendations for your optimal wellbeing.

For more information, call 0800 497 667, or click the button below:

Disclaimer: While hypnosis is a safe and well-tested method, and we have had thousands of satisfied customers, there is no guarantee of specific results. Results will vary from case to case. We do not diagnose or claim to cure any disease. This is a professional service by a qualified hypnotherapist, within a health clinic environment.

Ready to change your life?